Australia International borders to Reopen In November

The wait is finally over for students who are looking to go and study in Australia. The Prime Minister announced that the country is bracing itself towards reopening the borders for the first time since the COVID 19 pandemic started. It has been a long wait for students whose dreams are to pursue their studies in the Country. The borders are set to be reopened from November 2021. The reopening of the borders will be of great importance as students will be able to experience the most important part of being an international student. That is getting to explore and learn from different people with different views when it comes to lifestyle, culture and backgrounds. This therefore will be a relief for those who had already started their studies online as they waited for the borders to be reopened. The Australian borders reopening gives a much needed green light to individuals who want to enter the country. The reopening which is set for this November with the first phase being for Australian Citizens and Permanent residences living in states with over 80% vaccination rates being eligible for travel. The Australian Government further indicated there were plans for to open the borders to foreign nationals though not immediately. This will be great for students as they will get access to the country and their universities of choice. Furthermore it will relieve the stress of attending online classes with time difference being the biggest challenge for this mode of studies. International students will be glad to do their studies in real time which will enhance their performances. More information to follow as we keep monitoring the process. Get in touch with us via email or WhatsApp: +254751821736 to learn more about studying in Australia.